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Our partners bring together a wide range of industry expertise and knowledge to service all of your financial and reporting needs. All of our reporting engagements are directed by a partner who will bring together our resources and technology to meet your needs and expectations. We are well versed in audits of your financial statements. Where an audit may not be necessary, AVM DeMars CPAs can assist you by performing a review of your financial statements or simply a compilation of your financial statements.  A review is significantly less than an audit in which the auditor provides reasonable assurance that the financial statements taken as a whole are free of material misstatement. A review does not contemplate obtaining an understanding of an entity’s internal controls, assessing fraud risk, tests of accounting records, and other procedures ordinarily performed in an audit. In a compilation of your financial statements, we compile your information in the form of a financial statement without undertaking to provide any assurance on the reported amounts. We are also available to assist you in the preparation of management only financial statements which are designed exclusively for internal management use.

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